A "powerful serve"

We took the boys to Bethune's Gully this weekend, and The Cat and I did a bit of tennis work — The Cat wanted to perfect his "powerful serve". The thing is, he's been reading the Malory Towers and St Clare Enid Blyton series, so his current sporting persona is based almost entirely on 1940s English girls' boarding schools. God, I love that boy. I hope that freedom, energy, imagination, joy and openness stay with him always.Meanwhile, The Rabbit dangled his feet in the stream and threw his shoe and sock into the water. They drifted downstream pretty fast, and The Cat had to scamper over the rocks after them. Another child fished up the sock with a net, and The Cat returned triumphant with the shoe. The Rabbit was delighted.Bring on summer; it's going to be good.


Subverting the patriarchy one snarky review at a time


An eye tooth wrapt in paper