Things I liked this week
A big week, this one. My partner had a birthday, our little boy turned two (today!), we cranked out some good family times for the last week of the school holidays, we spent time with friends, I conquered a formatting problem, the sun shone every day. No, really. Every single day.And a few good things came my way, via Facebook, other blogs, serendipity. So I thought I'd share some with you.The subversive copyeditor: How could I resist a name like that? Someone posted a link to this article on Facebook, and that led me to the rest of the blog.Smitten Kitchen: Someone recommended this blog to a Facebook friend. A cook who can write — sign me up.An ohhhhh, that's interesting graph: with thanks to Blue Milk. I've been thinking about what it means all week.Shetland ponies in cardigans: Epbot posted a link to these photos (via the Modern Farmer), and it made my day. Tourism NZ people, I'm afraid this blows both 100% pure and Middle Earth OUT OF THE WATER.