A little bit more of this
I read an Enid Blyton story to Rabbit last night — a morally saturated tale about a girl who missed a trip to the seaside because she stopped to help a boy who fell off his bike while her friend ran on to get the bus and didn't tell the teacher to wait, but it all worked out because the boy's mother was both grateful and had a sports car so she took the girl and the boy to the beach anyway and they got there at the same time as the bus even though they had to stop and clean up the boy's knee because sports car and morals and then the boy and the girl became friends and played happily together every week because they were both kind.
So, cheers for all that instruction, Enid, but it did lead to a conversation with Rabbit about kindness. First, he declared that he would definitely stop to help the boy and take him to his (the boy's) house and if they didn't have any bandaids there, he would bring the boy to our house and one of the adults would fix up his knee. And then he told me about how his friend was riding his bike and the front wheel hit a rock and the friend fell off and got a cut on his knee and Rabbit took him to the sick bay. "How did it work?" I asked. "Could he walk or did you have to help him?" "Oh, we held hands and walked together," said Rabbit.
And it's sappy, but I actually think that would be great, if everyone took the time to hold their friend's hand and walk with them to the sick bay when they fall off their bike.